Paddling Home - A Journey Back to Self


Paddling Home - A Journey Back to Self by Robyn Singh

Sunshine Coast Author

Outrigger canoeing was not just a competitive sport for me. It was an ancient and cultural remembrance, a feeling of Oneness, and the chosen vehicle that would transport me back to biological roots, my spiritual home, and more importantly, an awareness and awakening to my higher self.

This is a personal story of synchronicity, healing, and reconnection. It is the story of Robyn Singh, a competitive paddler whose passion for canoeing took her on a transformative journey to discover her Hawaiian roots and find her birth mother.

As Paddling Home explains, humans have both explicit memory (that which we can recall) and implicit memory (emotional memory that cannot be recalled). For Robyn, as for many children of adoption, implicit memories of rejection remain embedded in the mind and body. But by listening to these implicit memories, Robyn was able to make sense of a series of coincidences and spiritual connections in order to put together the jigsaw puzzle of the self.

Brought into focus by her experiences in the canoe and illustrated with photographs of her life as a competitive paddler, Robyn's story brings us to spiritual awareness, personal discovery, and, ultimately, home.

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