The Biology of Belief


The Biology of Belief by Bruce Lipton, Ph.D

Unleashing the power of consciousness, matter and miracles Bruce Lipton's seminal book on the relationship between mind and body that changed the way we think about our lives, our health, and our planet. During that time, research in this field has grown exponentially-Lipton's groundbreaking experiments have now been endorsed by more than a decade of rigorous scientific study.

Replacement Value: $16


1. Lessons from the Petri Dish: In Praise of Smart Cells and Smart Students;
2. It’s the Environment, Stupid;
3. The Magical Membrane;
4. The New Physics: Planting Both Feet Firmly on Thin Air;
5. Biology of Belief;
6. Growth and Protection; 7. Conscious Parenting: Parents as Genetic Engineers; Epilogue: Spirit and Science