The Emotionally Powerful Mother: 5 keys for a transformative mother-daughter relationship


The Emotionally Powerful Mother: 5 keys for a transformative mother-daughter relationship by Lisa Jayne

Local Sunshine Coast Author

How can you teach your 21st century daughter what you don't know? Today's mothers need new tools - ones that consistently build emotional responsibility, inner strength, trust and deep connection. Without these qualities, our influence as mothers, can only go so far.

In The Emotionally Powerful Mother, Lisa Jayne shares the 5 Keys — a refreshingly new approach that strengthens the connection between mothers and daughters, breaks cycles of hurt, blame, and resentment and creates outcomes that enrich inner value, clarity, and mutual trust. Have you done your best to raise a courageous girl, who knows her rights - but now feel 'stuck' as she moves towards her teen years as the dynamic between you changes? You might be winging it, when it comes to teaching life lessons and guiding her to be self-assured - but that feeling of hit and miss may not fill you with confidence!

The tools you have in your handbag, that once worked for your Mother and Grandmother don't cut it today when you try to help your daughter be who you KNOW she can be. (Us Mums need to unlock our 21st century power and use our emotional advantage!) As you apply the power of your emotional world, you get to be the resilient, caring, and wise mother that has no need to react to the drama in front of you. Rather, you are the emotionally safe space your daughter needs so she can take charge of her own emotions and take back her INNER power.

What you learn from this book, provides you stormproof foundations that will inspire your daughter to emerge into her most authentically empowered self. The beauty of the 5 keys is that they provide tools that are modeled (and taught) by Mums, so mother and daughter can enjoy the shared emotional journey towards her womanhood; mothers can heal and from here on forwards, the women of this ancestral line will know how to speak their truth and deliberately choose empowering relationships for themselves. It starts with you, here and now. What a legacy!

In The Emotionally Powerful Mother, Lisa Jayne provides us with a wisely crafted, heart-centred pathway to healing. Through pragmatic personal examples coupled with insightful drawings and diagrams, she teaches us self-nurturing practices that allow us to get out of negative thought loops. Professionally, it’s exciting to see a fresh new process that helps mums and daughters resolve their stressors and challenges. Listen to the knowledge shared by Lisa Jayne, and you will immediately begin to step into your own extraordinary power.

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